We have finally designed a new style to our popular adult offset go-kart nose.
Now you can get flat sides, giving you a new look and even more room to mount things to the side of your cart!
Still the same quality that you have received from us for the past 35 years, two layers of hand laid fiberglass with a cloth stiffener in the nose and around the wheel wells.
Complete Body - $245
Just Nose - $160
Set of Sides - $120
You can also get your champ kart body here. The complete body comes with the nose and a set of matching sides. With our narrow swooping sides (White Body). The wide swooping sides (Black Body). Or the flat sides (Purple Body)
Complete Body - $235
Set of Sides - $110
Nose - $140
Dur-A-Flex's newest style of open cart body. Has a lot of character in the nose. And wide swooping sides.
The body is made with two layers of hand laid fiberglass with a stiffener in the nose to make it more durable.
Complete Body - $235
Just Nose - $160
Set of Sides - $120
This is our Downforce three piece Go-Kart body.
The body is made with two layers of hand laid fiberglass with a stiffener in the nose to make it more durable.
Complete Body - $260
This one of our older styles of our adult offset body in black. It is still a very popular body and can be seen at many different tracks today!
The body is made with two layers of hand laid fiberglass with a stiffener in the nose to make it more durable.
Complete Body - $260